News & Events
BRIGHTS is now a Podcast!
BRIGTHS joins the "international podcast of ecological and social solutions"
Our project entered into a series of Podcasts realized by Aether Narratio.
"What if the cure for eco-anxiety lay in action? For five months, our team of independent journalists traveled across Europe by transport together in search of concrete solutions to deal with crises social and environmental. The objective: to compile effective initiatives, easily reproducible and inspiring to fuel the desire to engagement and escape from general paralysis. An issue that is both individual and political, since our reports are aimed at citizens, businesses and
to municipalities."
Listen to our episode on Spotify, here!
And follow their Instagram page here:
BRIGHTS joins the Digital Erasmus Conference - 12th December 2024.
Many thanks to Coimbra Group and Ayşe Zişan Furat for inviting us to present the BRIGHTS project results at the Digital Erasmus Conference 2024!
This was the chance to delve into the BRIGHTS project results, with great emphasis on the last published Handbook 🌿 "Sustainability Offices and Global Sustainability Strategies. Making Universities part of the Global Transition to Sustainability" 🌍
The pubblication is available here:
It was also great meeting Thijn van Eldijk from Eurail, one of the most dedicated advocate for green Erasmus and green mobility!
Have a look at our gallery here!
BRIGHTS' Sixth Multiplier Event in Cologne, 28th November 2024.
The Erasmus+ BRIGHTS Multiplier Event, titled “The Role of Universities in the Global Transition Towards Sustainability,” was held on 28 November 2024 at the International House, University of Cologne.
The event focused on the presentation of the project results, with special emphasis on the Handbook on Sustainability Offices and Strategies, which was coordinated by the University of Cologne.
The event aimed to:
-> Showcase the results of the BRIGHTS project.
-> Highlight the critical role of universities in advancing sustainability.
-> Share practical strategies for establishing Sustainability Offices (SOs) and implementing Global Sustainability Strategies (GSSs) in higher education institutions.
Have a look at our gallery here!
Fifth Multiplier Event: Cyprus - 25th November 2024.
The fifth project's multiplier event took place in Cyprus, Nicosia, on November 25th, 2024, at the University of Cyprus - New Campus in the Library Building.
The event was organized by the University of Cyprus and specifically by the Seit Lab and Nireas International Water Research Centre, participating in the Brights project.
The event attracted several external stakeholders, as in addition to individuals from the University, individuals from other Universities within and outside Cyprus attended the event or joined online.
We also had participation from people working in companies, in research centers outside of the UCY, in the government of the country, in the ministry of education of the country as well as private employees and self-employed.
Total number of attendees: 23 (in presence), 25 (online).
The Full Report of the event is available here.
Have a look at our gallery here!
The second BRIGTHS Pubblication is out!
"Sustainability Offices and Global Sustainability Strategies: Making Universities Part of the Global Transition to Sustainability"
The new project pubblication is out!
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) play a crucial role in the Global Transition towards Sustainability. This handbook describes how HEIs can contribute to this transition by developing sustainability strategies which are complementary to policy agendas, such as the Agenda 2030 with its SDGs or the European Green Deal. It is argued that sustainability strategies at universities need to be linked to internationalization and transfer strategies. Finally, the handbook presents good practices related to the set up of Global Sustainability Strategies (GSS) and Sustainability Offices (SO) at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs),which were collected by a European-wide ad-hoc survey.
The Handbook is available here or here.
BRIGTHS Final Conference - 11th October 2024.
BRIGHTS' final cofnerence, held at the Info Hub of the European Parliament in Brussels and streamed on Zoom resulted in a great success, with 22 in-presence participants and 41 online attendees.
The event gathered a number of external stakeholders and speakers, including: Alessandra Moretti, MEP, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety; Brando Benifei, MEP and Erasmus Alumnus; Salome Dermati, European University Foundation, Policy and Research Officer; Cinta Gonzáles Sentís, Secretary General, Federation of Young European Green; Caterina Bertolaso, European Digital SME Alliance; Arturo Bertoldi, Head of EduIren, IREN; with final remarks on "WHAT EUROPE DOES FOR ME" by the European Parliament.
The Full Report of the event is available here.
Have a look at the Gallery!
BRIGTHS Final Conference - 11th October 2024.
BRIGHTS is invitining you to join our final cofnerence, organized in a hybrid modality: it is taking place in Brussels (at the Info Hub of the European Parliament) and streamed on Zoom.
The event is taking place on October 11th 2024, from 9.30 to 13.00.
The programme is available here.
If you wish to join the event in rpesence, the deadline for registrations is October 1st. To register online, the deadline is October 10th.
For any inquiry, reach out to
We hope to see you soon!
BRIGTHS joins the CUCS (Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo) Conference!
The VIII Conference of the CUCS network (Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo - University Coordination for Development Cooperation, a network that includes over 30 Italian universities) is organized by the University of Florence, and will be held in Florence from 12 to 14 September 2024.
The conference will be dedicated to examining, in a comparative and transdisciplinary perspective, the multiple challenges that the world of cooperation - understood as collaboration between partners from different contexts, with equal rights and responsibilities, who work for equitable and sustainable development – is called upon to face in the contemporary world.
The University of Pavia, member of the CUCS Network, is joining the conference to present the BRIGHTS project.
The Booklet of Abstracts (among which you can find the BRIGHTS abstract at page 176) is available here; The programme is available here.
Staff Week for Sustainability officers: the second project learning activity has succesfully been concluded!
From 12 to 14 June, the University of Cologne hosted a training program aimed at strengthening the skills and effectiveness of the offices dealing with sustainability at the partner universities of the BRIGHTS project, namely the University of Cologne, the University of Pavia and the University of Cyprus . Over the three days, participants took part in a series of sessions that addressed a wide range of sustainability topics and perspectives.
The event was opened by Kirk Junker, Pro-Rector for Sustainability at the University of Cologne, who highlighted the importance for higher education institutions to guide students towards sustainable habits. Following this, Pamela Kilian, from the Office for Sustainability of the University of Cologne, illustrated the university's sustainability strategy and the crucial role of her office in promoting these initiatives.
Martina Altea Bellinzona, of the CENTER FOR GLOBAL STRATEGIC ENGAGEMENT (GLOBEC) SERVICE CENTER and coordinator of the BRIGHTS project of the University of Pavia, and Thilo Zimmermann, Head of Academic Networks and SDGs Projects of the University of Cologne, jointly presented a overview of the BRIGHTS project and the week's program, outlining its objectives, structure and main expected results.
The day ended with the speech of Tobias Bartman, of the Green Office Movement, who illustrated the organization and conducted a workshop applying the tools of the Green Office Movement to establish green offices. Additionally, he presented the work of Students Organizing for Sustainability International, which supports student and youth groups globally to lead sustainability and social justice initiatives.
The second day began with the presentation of the work of the Office for Sustainable Actions (OSA) of the University of Pavia by Martina Altea Bellinzona and Andrea Campotaro (UNIPV). While Thilo Zimmermann introduced UoC Global, the body that implements international sustainability projects at the University of Cologne, followed by the speech of Dr. Ali Al-Bayati on one of the ongoing projects, LegalLead.
The third session saw Ilaria Corazza of the University of Turin, editor of the Sustainability Reporting Guidlines, present the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (RUS) and explore the importance of reporting. Finally, Prof. Drew Nelson of the University of Cologne illustrated his course on the SDGs and the new teaching methodologies used.
The second day ended with the presentation of Michela Cobelli and Chantal Riccardi, of the U.O.C. INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY of the University of Pavia, on the best practices of internationalization, sustainability and networking in higher education institutions and on the Coimbra Group of Universities.
The third and last day was dedicated to the speech by Dr. Katharina Groene on the Fair Trade Competence Center of the University of Cologne and that of Luciana Sacchetti of the University of Bologna on the most used types of sustainability rankings.
Staff Week concluded with a visit to the United Nations Campus in Bonn, where participants had the opportunity to learn more about the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Read the full report from the events here, and have a look at the Gallery!
Third project multiplier event in Pavia, May 29th 2024
The project third multiplier event has taken place in Pavia, on May 29th 2024.
Organized by the university of Pavia, the event has been included in the National "festival per lo sviluppo sostenibile" (Sustainabile development festival), organized throughtout Italy by ASVIS - Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development).
The event, arranged in the University premises, gatherd a variety of external stakeholders, private citizens, university staff and students.
The event agenda has counted on the participation of experts in scientific dissemination:
Emilio Mancuso, marine biologist and science communicator, president of Verdeacqua and the Institute for Sea Studies (
Agnese Marchini, full professor of Ecology at UNIPV
Valeria Barbi, Political scientist and naturalist. She is an expert in biodiversity and climate change. scientific director of WANE - We Are Nature Expedition, a reportage project that aims to document the loss of biodiversity and the relationship between man and nature.
Read the full report from the events here, and have a look at the Gallery!
First & Second project multiplier events in Brussels, May 13th - 14th 2024
Two multiplier events have taken place in Brussels on May 14th, 2024.
Organized by garagErasmus, full partners of the BRIGTHS project, the events have gathered a variety of external stakeholders, joining and engaging in the presentations and discussions.
On May 14th, garagErasmus hosted two events in Brussels featuring Martina Altea Bellinzona, Project Manager at the University of Pavia in Italy. The two events took place at the representation of the Regione Lombardia in the morning, and at the office of the Académie d’Enseignement Supérieur (ARES) in the evening. The two occasions brought together a diverse audience representing various institutions, universities, associations, and companies coming from all over Europe.
On the occasion, Martina Altea Bellinzona showcased the results of the BRIGHTS Project to the audience. During her presentation, she gave an insight, elucidating the project’s objectives, and outlining the steps undertaken by the project partners to achieve them. Participants gained valuable insights into the methodologies employed and the research results, anticipating the forthcoming final conference of the BRIGHTS project.
Together with the National Agency for Erasmus+ en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and ESN Belgium, the events have also celebrated the end of the European Year of Skills, gathering professionals and testimonies by Erasmus+ students alike in a public conference, discussing the importance of soft skills and the new but impending need to properly validate them in today’s job market.
Read the full report from the events here, and have a look at the Gallery!
Staff week for Sustainability Officers: the new project training activity is approaching!
The Staff Week for Sustainability Officers is a 3-day meeting taking place in Cologne, Germany, from 12th to 14th June 2024.
The training has been organized in different sessions to tackle a variety of topics and perspectives related to the Sustainability Offices. The training is intended to improve the skills of participants in tackling Sustainability issues and in the effective management of the Sustainability offices, boosting its potential to commit the institute to sustainability. The training is also aimed at improving the ability of Sustainability offices in getting engaged in international networks.
The expected result is a strengthened figure of administrative staff who has upskilled his/her role in the sustainability office; participants are expected to have a clear frame of how the office shall be improved.
The event is full of guest, ready to share their experise with the group: have a look at the full programme and speakers' list here
Innovative Teaching Methodologies for Sustainability Education: the BRIGTHS PROJECT Guidelines are officially published!
The project has published its guidelines to Innovative Teaching Methodologies.
The paper delves into the critical importance of implementing innovative
teaching methodologies across universities in the European Union (EU). The
guidelines lay their bases on a collaborative research effort, realised
by the project consortium, the study and data obtained from a comprehensive
questionnaire distributed across EU member states, and a subsequent
workshop convened at the University of Pavia. The combined research methods
aimed to capture a holistic view of current teaching practices, assess the
readiness for innovation, and identify the main challenges, obstacles, and
opportunities within European higher education institutions.
Read the full paper here
BRIGHTS transnational project meeting in L'Aquila, Italy
On 10th-11th April 2024, the BRIGTHS project partners have met during the Transnational Project Meeting in L'Aquila, Italy, to discuss the updates and next steps of the project.
have a look at our event gallery!
BRIGHTS session in the "SDGs Conference in Bergen"
On February 7th, BRIGHTS has joined the 7th annual SDGs Conference organized by the University of Bergen, Norway.
The theme for SDG Conference in Bergen 2024 is "The role of universities in transformative change". In this framework, BRIGTHS has realized a virtual round-table, tackling the role that Green Offices can play to support Universities in the Green Transition.
The event has been realized together with the "Green Office Movement" an external stakeholder active on the topic, providing useful insights on how to efficiently run a Green Office.
To rewatch the event, you can access the Conference website.
have a look at our event gallery!
BRIGHTS to join the SDGs Conference in Bergen
Mark your calendars: on February 7th, BRIGHTS is joining the 7th annual SDGs Conference organized by the University of Bergen, Norway.
The theme for SDG Conference in Bergen 2024 is The role of universities in transformative change: "The climate and nature crises indicate a code red for humanity. There is a huge gap between political leadership, knowledge, resources and technology. This reflects an urgent need for transformative change. How can universities and the academic professions engage in these changes in new and more radical ways?"
We will be introducing the BRIGTHS Project and then we'll be discussing, trhough a virtual round-table, the role that Green Offices can play to support Universities in the Green Transition. What's their potential and how can we exploit it?
Have a look at the programme and make sure you register to the event !
Stay tuned!
Merry Christmas from the BRIGHTS team!
The project team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎄
...what about the next project year?
The project will launch its open-access courses on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, will be organizing a staff-week for Sustainability Officers, and will be showcasing its achieved results to the public, truough a series of dissemination events.
It is going to be a period full of activities...are you curious? Stay tuned!
BRIGHTS is now on YouTube!
The Project is widening its social pages, opening a YouTube channel!
Youu will be able to find all the project-related videos: from the podcasts recorded during the International Workshop, to the courses' introductory videao, and more!
Have a look here!
BRIGHTS joins the Erasmus Days, 11th October 2023
Brigths has joined the stands of the Erasmus+ projects, the University of Pavia takes part in, organized in the frame of the Erasmus Days 2023!
From European and extra-European mobility of staff, to the Blended Intensive programmes, from the European Alliance EC2U, to Cooperation Partnership, Capacity Building in Higher Education, Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters, Erasmus Mundus Design Measure, Jean Monnet.
The coordinators at the various stands had the chance to talk about their experiences in managing and implementing projects with interested professors and researchers.
Erasmus Days 2023 have been an occasion to celebrate the Erasmus programme, while spreading the knowledge about it more and more. Having the opportunity to introduce the colleagues to the E+ opportunities, while networking with other project coordinators and participants, has been an amazing way to celebrate Erasmus!
See our gallery fro more pictures!
BRIGHTS joins the Sharper Night event "Erasmus for All", 27th september 2023
Brigths has joined the "Erasmus for All" event, organized in the frame of the Sharper Night 2023.
The audience, made up by italian and international students, actively participated in the event showing what the University is doing to help boost the green transition and the implementation of the UN SDGs.
Besides the Brigths project presentation, the event collected the testimonials from other projects such as the EC2U Alliance, and DEFI, a project managed by the local Municipality, aiming to support the green mobility for students coming to Pavia. All the students taking part in this project have been travelling to Pavia by train/bus/bicycle or even on foot!
It was a great opportunity to introduce BRIGHTS to the local Municipality and to new students!
New questionnaire is out! Help us harmonizing the Sustainability Offices and Sustainability Initiatives in the European Universities
The new BRIGTHS questionnaire is out!
It is intended to map and identify the state of implementation, diffusion, and utilization of sustainability strategies and measures in the European Universities.
Based on the questionnaire results and further research, we will create a handbook on the state of the art of sustainability implementation at universities, as well as a collection of best practices. It will be a useful tool to help running Sustainability offices in a better way, or to help other universities in setting up one!
Target: European Universities, whether they are provided with a sustainability office/ sustainability initiatives, or not, or whether they are approaching to the topic!
Our questionnaire focuses on initiatives at the university level, in order to narrow down the number of initiatives and have comparable results.
For any inquiry, please write an email to:
Estimated time for the completion of the questionnaire: 20 minutes.
The International Workshop has just come to an end!
🌱 The international workshop “Sustainability & Innovative Teaching Methodologies” has just come to an end 🌱
Thanks to Brights, we had the chance to create a stimulating environment where to gather students and teachers, from the partner universities and more.
They could to work together, revising the teaching methodologies in place, highlighting their lacks and strengths, and proposing improvements based on their practical experience. Why? In order to define new, bottom-up and built-together approaches, specifically dedicated to those courses related to sustainability.
Soon, a report on the main findings will be published…stay tuned!
BRIGHTS Workshop joins the European Sustainable Development Week
The first Brights LTTA (learning-teaching activity) is ready to host its guests: students and teachers are going to works together in the sessions of the International Workshop on Innovative Teaching Methodologies.
The workshop will allow the project partners to discuss and brainstorm on how to improve the learning experience when it comes to sustainability- related courses.
With the workshop directly addressing the UN SDGs, the event has been recognized in the European Sustainable Development Week agenda.
The European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) is an initiative to facilitate the organization of activities that promote sustainable development and make these efforts visible on a common platform.
Find the BRIGHTS workshop here.
International Workshop "Sustainability & Innovative Teaching Methodologies" : 18th-20th September 2023, Pavia - Italy.
Brights is organizing its first LTTA (learning-teaching activity): the International Workshop on Innovative Didactics.
Are you interested? Do you work or study in one of the BRIGHTS' project partenr universities? Have a look at the Agenda and requirements, and apply here!
Questionnaire on Innovative Didactics is out: join the research!
In the frame of BRIGHTS' Project Result n°2, the consortium is mapping the use and distribution of Innovative Didactic Methodologies in the European Universities.
The results will be the basis of further discussion in the project Workshop on Innovative Didactics (September 2023, Pavia, Italy).
Are you a researcher or professor from a EU HEI? Join the research! Find out more and fill in the questionnaire!
BRIGHTS presented at the EC2U Forum in Jena, Germany.
Brights - Bringing HEIs Towards Suistainability was presented during the "Healthy Campus" Poster Session at the University of Jena, Germany.
The event framing the poster session was the 6th EC2U Alliance Forum; the session represented a moment when to discuss how a "sustainable campus" is a fundamental track to reach as well the goal of a "healthy campus".
The Poster Session has been a profound moment of discussion and exchange of experiences, best practices, and a great opportunity to introduce BRIGHTS to international colleagues.
In the picture: Martina Altea Bellinzona, BRIGHTS Project Manager, presenting the activities to a colleague from the University of Jena.
More pictures from the event, in the gallery.
BRIGHTS goes to Florence!
Brights - Bringing HEIs Towards Suistainability is going to Florence!
The Italian Erasmus+ National Agency INDIRE is organizing, in the broader framework of the Festival of Europe, a monitoring seminar of the Cooperation Partnerships (KA220 HED) projects.
The event, scheduled for 5 May 2023, will take place in Florence at the stand in Piazza della Repubblica from 10.30 to 13.00.
BRIGHTS has been selected as the one project to be presented in the sustainability subject field, among those tackling the green priority.
Together with other coordinators of KA220 HED projects, Martina Altea Bellinzona and Chiara Danio (UNIPV) will be joining the event presenting the project. This will be a great occasion to meet, discuss, and get confrontation on the challenges of project management and implementation, as well as to find synergies with other actions in place.
Full program of the event, here.
More pictures from the event, in the gallery.
BRIGHTS to be presented at the Staff Mobility Week organized by the University of Bergen
The University of Pavia, represented by Marco Oliva, from the International Relations office, is joining the Staff Mobility Week at the University of Bergen, held specifically on the topic "Towards a climate neutral university - working together with our students".
The rationale behind the Staff Week, is that the university’s greatest contribution to the green transition is to develop knowledge that benefits society through education, research and innovation. But the green transition also starts with us: it is of outmost importance to reduce our own climate footprint. How do we accomplish this, and how can we engage our employees and students to contribute?The event will present efforts and ideas, gathering inputs from stakeholders involved on this matter.
What a better occasion to introduce BRIGHTS to a poll of interested European Universities, willing to get engaged on the sustinability challenge?
The Staff Week will be running from May 8th to 12th 2023: stay tuned to get to know more!
BRIGHTS is hiring: the project is looking for an External Evaluator!
The external evaluator will be in charge of the quality review of the project’s outcomes, in terms of: achievement of objectives and results, impact, coherence, involvement of external stakeholders. S/he will analyse data about the project in order to identify strengths and weaknesses especially in relation to the quantifiable impact of the project activities in the involved universities. Periodical reports will be released to check project progress and make recommendations.
The External Quality Expert will be responsible for:
a) the finalisation and official definition of quality indicators and of monitoring procedures;
b) the elaboration of evaluation reports.
The aim of the external evaluation is to ensure that monitoring of the project is performed adequately and accurately. It identifies procedures, criteria and resources for monitoring the project. It also deals with the evaluation of the progress of the project, risk and issue management and with the evaluation of the results in comparison with the needs of the target group(s) and sector(s).
The external evaluator will receive a 5.000,00 euros reward for the entire activity.
Interested? Here you can find the call, have a look and send us your CV, with previous experiences, at
BRIGHTS Project joins the Italian Festival for Sustainable Development
On May 17th, at the University of Pavia, the BRIGHTS Project updates and news will be presented to the academic, and non-academic, community in the frame of the ASVIS (Italian Association for sustainable Development) Sustainability Festival.
The festival is running yearly at national level, providing wide visibility to the initiatives included in its program. In 2023, UNIPV is organizing an open session, dedicated to let all the community explore and get acquainted with the news in what the universities is doing to tackle the climate and sustainability challenges.
BRIGHTS is going to have a specific dedicated session, where the project goals will be described, and the collaboration opportunities (for the different actors of the academic targets) will be showcased. Furthermore, it will be an extremely interesting and useful chance to establish synergies with other sustainability initiatives running at the university and with other projects implemented in the frame of the UN SDGs.
All the events in the frame of the ASVIS festival are open and free: come meet us!
Stay tuned for updates, follow our socials!
BRIGHTS Project meeting local stakeholders at the EC2U Think Tank in Pavia, 3rd March 2023
On March 3rd, the University of Pavia organized, in the frame of the EC2U Alliance, a Think Thank on the topic of “Social Innovation in times of Crisis”. The roundtable and discussion was specifically intended to investigate the local stakeholders’ perception on the role of social innovation in tackling today’s challenges: Social Crisis, Health Crisis, and Environmental Crisis.
In this specific last context, Martina Altea Bellinzona (Project Coordinator), joined the roundtable and the discussion, bringing about the “university’s perspective”, how innovation can be intended even in a transversal didactic sense, and how helpful this can be to bring about a structural change from scratch.
It was the chance to have the BRIGHTS project presented to other stakeholder directly involved in the field of sustainability at local level. Start-ups (Voltaplant, Rehouseit, PlanEat) associations (Activators Pavia), the local Municipality representatives), and researchers from the Academia, engaged in a fruitful discussion on possible synergies and future collaborations, to boost the ideals of sustainability inside and outside the university walls.
Have a look at the gallery!
BRIGHTS Third Transnaitonal Project Meeting in Cyprus
The Project consortium is going to have its third Transnational Project Meeting in Cyprus, from June 19th to 21st 2023.
The meeting will gather representatives from each project partner in order to discuss and brainstorm of the state of the art of the project activities and implementation, specifically:
1) PR1: development and alignment in the creation of the SDGs’ Courses Modules
2) PR2: revision of the report analysing the use and diffusion of innovative didactic modalities; joint organization of the related workshop, to be held in Pavia in September 2023.
3) PR3: joint revision of the state of implementation and responses’ collection of the questionnaires previously distributed to collect the best practices in the management of sustainability in the European universities.
The project partners already had the chance to meet twice: at the Kick of Meeting first (Pavia, May 2022), and at the Project Meeting in Cologne (December 2022).
Regular meetings are fundamental to make sure the project implementation runs smoothly and partners are aligned on the status of the activities.
Subscribe to our newsletter here, and follow our socials to remain updated on the outputs of the meeting!
BRIGHTS is organizing its first Workshop: JOIN US!
In the frame of the project Learning-Teaching activities, the project consortium is organizing the first workshop: it will be focused on the project result N°2, i.e. on defining innovative didactic modalities for the delivery of sustainability contents and teachings.
The purpose will be that of gathering students and professors, to let them brainstorm and compare ideas and necessities. The workshop will answer questions as: how to set up more student-cantered classes? How can professors deal with the new attitudes of students towards the learning experience, as to maximise it and update their teaching skills?
The workshop will be held in Pavia, Italy, from September 18th to 22nd: 10 students and 2 professors per each partner university will have the chance to participate. The program, still to be defined, will foresee training moments where all the participants will get acquainted with the new trends in innovative didactics, by experts in the field. Practical sessions will be organized in order to let the groups work with the support of ad-hoc moderators.
The basis on which the workshop will develop is an ongoing mapping of the distribution and use of innovative didactics in the partner universities (analized and investigated via questionanires ditrbuited to the partenrs’ staff). The questionnaires’ reponses and their analysis will be the input on which developing the new proposals.
The expected result is the definition of students’ needs and didactic modalities that can respond to those necessities.
Interested to join as teaching staff or student? Write us ( to express your willingness to join, or stay tuned to remain updated via our newsletter and socials, where you will get all the necessary information about the initiative!
BRIGTHS Project meets the EC2U Alliance!
From March 7 th to 10 th , a delegation from the University of Pavia, representing the Brights Project, has been hosted at the University of Coimbra, in the frame of an EC2U Alliance coordination meeting. Specifically, Martina Altea Bellinzona (BRIGHTS Project Coordinator), and Andrea Campotaro (from the Office for Sustainable Actions at UNIPV – fully involved in the project) were invited to meet the representatives of the Alliance.
Such participation was fundamental to present the BRIGHTS Projects (objectives, partners, methodology) to the EC2U members, which is composed of: University of Pavia, University of Coimbra (Portugal), University of Poitiers (France - coordinator), University of Turku (Finland), University of Jena (Germany), University of Salamanca (Spain), University of Iasi (Romania).
The meeting was intended to introduce BRIGHTS to the Alliance, identifying the possible synergies and topics of mutual interest, the cooperation opportunities to maximise the impact of the project and the dissemination of its results.
Furthermore, it was an opportunity to exchange best practices in the sustainability management of the campuses, of confrontation of the way to run the Universities’ participation in international rankings on sustainability (with specific focus on THE Impact Ranking), etc.
All these contents are at the core of the BRIGHTS Project Result N°3, which provides for the creation of a Handbook containing all the insights and best practices in the management of Sustainability Offices, tips for greening the international activities of the universities, advices on how to define a Sustainability Strategy, including the participation in the rankings and sustainability-related international networks.
The meeting in Coimbra laid the basis for future fruitful collaborations, being the Alliance interested in supporting the development and dissemination of the BRIGHTS sustainability objectives: boosting the Universities role as change makers, promoting the university campus as a model for sustainability, fostering innovation in the various aspects of the topic.
Stay tuned for further updates on this!
2nd Project Transnational Meeting in Cologne, Germany
The EC2U Alliance is an innovative project aimed at creating a pan-European Campus among the partner Universities and their municipalities, under the banner of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
The Alliance orientation towards Sustainability, as well as the strict synergy between Academia, municipality, civil society and the local stakeholders, made EC2U the perfect stage where to present the BRIGHTS Projects to the partner universities.
For this reason, Martina Altea Bellinzona (UNIPV) presented the project during the 5th EC2U Forum, which took place in Iasi, Romania, from 11th to 13th October 2022.
"Connecting communities and re-imagining mobility" has been the main theme of the EC2U Forum. The event has gathered students, professors, citizens and stakeholders from within and beyond the EC2U Alliance, in a diverse range of open activities to discuss on how to boost green mobility and build stronger ties between communities.
BRIGHTS Project presentation was included in the Citizen Science session, with particular reference to the PR3, and the link it aims at boosting between the Acedemia and the stakeholders.
Have a look at the gallery!
BRIGHTS Project presented at the EC2U Forum in Iasi, Romania
The EC2U Alliance is an innovative project aimed at creating a pan-European Campus among the partner Universities and their municipalities, under the banner of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
The Alliance orientation towards Sustainability, as well as the strict synergy between Academia, municipality, civil society and the local stakeholders, made EC2U the perfect stage where to present the BRIGHTS Projects to the partner universities.
For this reason, Martina Altea Bellinzona (UNIPV) presented the project during the 5th EC2U Forum, which took place in Iasi, Romania, from 11th to 13th October 2022.
"Connecting communities and re-imagining mobility" has been the main theme of the EC2U Forum. The event has gathered students, professors, citizens and stakeholders from within and beyond the EC2U Alliance, in a diverse range of open activities to discuss on how to boost green mobility and build stronger ties between communities.
BRIGHTS Project presentation was included in the Citizen Science session, with particular reference to the PR3, and the link it aims at boosting between the Acedemia and the stakeholders.
Have a look at the gallery!
BRIGHTS Project joins the Sharper Night in Pavia, 28th September 2022
On September 28th, during the event "Erasmus+ for all", in the frame of the "Sharper Night" Week, the BRIGHTS project has been presented to the academic community of the University of Pavia.
The event counted 150 participants, among students, researches, and teachers. It was an exellent opportunity to showcase the project goals to the different academic components, which represent, at all levels, an integral part of the BRIGHTS activities. It allowed for the public to get to know the project and familiarize with its contents, starting to collect expressions of interest, for the involvement in future collaborative activites (such as the attendance of the training courses, the workshop activities, etc.).
BRIGHTS Project Kick-off Meeting, 19th -20th May 2022
On May 19th-20th, the Project kick-off meeting has taken place in the premises of the University of Pavia (project coordinator).
The meeting allowed the consortium to meet up for the very first time, discussing in depth each Project Result, the timeline to achieve the project goals, as well as specific management aspects, necessary to ensure the proper project implementation and success.
Representatives from all the parters joined the meeting, for a full two-day intensive program.