Bringing HEIs Towards Sustainability
Tackling Climate Change through innovative educational and training pathways in Higher Education Institutes.
Sustainability Offices and Global Sustainability Strategies. Making Universities part of the Global Transition to Sustainability.
The new BRIGHTS handbook is out: read it here!
The project final conference is approaching: register here and have a look at the agenda here.
Innovative Teaching Methodologies for Sustainability Education: the BRIGTHS PROJECT Guidelines are officially published!
Project framework & Objectives
With climate change being perceived as the defining challenge of our time, BRIGHTS is designed to fit in the current context the Green Deal paved the way to, recognizing the central role of universities for a successful Green transition. The project aims to contribute to boosting and valorizing the central role of HEIs in tackling the 2030 Agenda and the Green Deal objectives.
This will be done at all levels of the academic community:
🌱 At the students’ level, the project intends to respond to the need for awareness on the SDGs and Sustainability, and for skills development, necessary to ensure proper youth involvement in the transition, and as a tool of empowerment in the rising green jobs market.
🌱 At the teaching staff level, BRIGHTS responds to the need for new methodologies to help teachers upskill and reskill their didactic modalities, and to deliver content in new stimulating ways, facing a context where education on sustainability is growing fast, and the contents and research on the matter are rapidly evolving.
🌱 At a systemic and organizational level, BRIGHTS intends to meet the need highlighted by the Green Deal, to empower Universities in their capacity to address the green transition. It is fundamental that HEIs (Higher Education Institutes) do get the support in the establishment of a sustainability centre, working as a catalyst of green opportunities and boosting the institutes’ capacity to be involved in sustainability.
Information & Transparency
Funding Agency: Italian National Agency
Call for Application: Erasmus+ , Cooperation Partnership, Call 2021
Grant Allotted: € 320.231,00
Project Implementation Period: 1/12/2021 - 30/11/2024
University of Pavia, Italy - Coordinator
Uiversity of Cyprus, Cyprus
University of Cologne, Germany
Reiss Romoli, Italy
garagErasmus s.b.l., Belgium
Associate Partners
Collegio Ghislieri, Italy - Associate partner